Friday, January 25, 2013

Turbulent Tyria Guild Wars 2 "changes in the history of the world

Around the world Association
War destruction of the various island territories in the continent, but Tyria guild still continue to develop and grow. Build a new temple the six true God one Balthazar lion arches, and open the door to The Mists heroes in the world can compete with each other. These associations unlike so divided by race, but also not limited only to humans, they accepted the heroes of all races ... (1)

Asura more than other races like the guild, the guild they can talk to the other Krewe expansion planned cooperation. Chalcone associations like warlords can not replace their loyalty to the Legion, but you can give them a unique opportunity to demonstrate the power of race, thereby enhancing their reputation. The Norn are always eager to fight, and they support their combat effectiveness of loyalty between friends. Hill Warri Association brought the unpredictable forces, they are eager to feel never experience a variety of experiences through a variety of dangerous behaviour. Association is a powerful force in Tyria in individual adventures, so that people have the courage to face the most dangerous enemy, if you make all races of Tyria find a permanent peace between so sure with the Society unity are inseparable. buy or sell GW2 gold

Ascalon human being squeezed to the west and the south, The Great Northern Wall has fallen into the ruins of Ascalon City. The veins in Adelbern The Prince Rurik death end. The last bastion of humanity in the south, The the west seats baby Mountains, and in the middle is the dividing line of Ascalon and the Crystal Desert is called, this is the last bastion of EbonHawke it alone against the army of chalcone. (2)

The chalcone Legion and the gap between the human never been reduced, and even intensified. Ebony Hawke appears to be isolated, but it received a the Asura gate and Kryta military assistance. Chalcone control Ascalon, but the rule of chalcone threatened in the the Ascalon last battle, King Aide Bo used his artifact, a representative of the times Maken ...... (3 )

In the last day of the war, a group of sword-type flame float from the city, the highest tower. After a child, burning flames sweep over the whole street, Ascalon guards have been killed, one by one stood up, their souls by Aide Bo Maken gives life, the face of the stubborn resistance of the soul, The chalcone forced to abandon the city. Since then, these souls soldiers guarding the ruins of Ascalon City, and in the eastern border. Chalcone they still resist, but does not communicate with Ebony Huo Keli alive soldiers, their soul is only a short-term memory, some people think that, when the true King of Ascalon with two Long Kiss Maken return these souls will abandon the city, to return to a peaceful death ...

When the sacred lion arches into the raging sea, Coretta last human habitat, is the last hope. Kryta is surrounded by other races for centuries, suffered a huge disaster, has been away from the human gods, their civilization at the edge of collapse.  buy or sell Guild Wars 2 gold

Again trust the gods and Kryta nobility, Queen Salma consolidate her rights in Kryta. From the outset, they would be happy to accept refugees from Ascalon, Cantha and Ilona people, join them, and transferred to the coast of the city of God, in this new city, a huge monument, it Looking to the rising flood and the southern Gulf ...

Queen established a new management system, not only apply to Kryta people, but each came to the people of the city. Senate formulated laws will be submitted to the Queen, and then the queen authorized to announce these bills. The Senate people from all of the human race, they represent many people, they work in accordance with the wishes of the Queen. Gradually, it developed into a solid system, cornerstone of a Kryta culture. However Kryta also suffer attack secret to organize a white cloak Association, there are Centaurs, they occupy almost the entire continent, human if you want to survive in Kryta, then they must themselves constantly battle ...
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