Friday, January 25, 2013

Turbulent Tyria Guild Wars 2 "changes in the history of the world

Around the world Association
War destruction of the various island territories in the continent, but Tyria guild still continue to develop and grow. Build a new temple the six true God one Balthazar lion arches, and open the door to The Mists heroes in the world can compete with each other. These associations unlike so divided by race, but also not limited only to humans, they accepted the heroes of all races ... (1)

Asura more than other races like the guild, the guild they can talk to the other Krewe expansion planned cooperation. Chalcone associations like warlords can not replace their loyalty to the Legion, but you can give them a unique opportunity to demonstrate the power of race, thereby enhancing their reputation. The Norn are always eager to fight, and they support their combat effectiveness of loyalty between friends. Hill Warri Association brought the unpredictable forces, they are eager to feel never experience a variety of experiences through a variety of dangerous behaviour. Association is a powerful force in Tyria in individual adventures, so that people have the courage to face the most dangerous enemy, if you make all races of Tyria find a permanent peace between so sure with the Society unity are inseparable. buy or sell GW2 gold

Ascalon human being squeezed to the west and the south, The Great Northern Wall has fallen into the ruins of Ascalon City. The veins in Adelbern The Prince Rurik death end. The last bastion of humanity in the south, The the west seats baby Mountains, and in the middle is the dividing line of Ascalon and the Crystal Desert is called, this is the last bastion of EbonHawke it alone against the army of chalcone. (2)

The chalcone Legion and the gap between the human never been reduced, and even intensified. Ebony Hawke appears to be isolated, but it received a the Asura gate and Kryta military assistance. Chalcone control Ascalon, but the rule of chalcone threatened in the the Ascalon last battle, King Aide Bo used his artifact, a representative of the times Maken ...... (3 )

In the last day of the war, a group of sword-type flame float from the city, the highest tower. After a child, burning flames sweep over the whole street, Ascalon guards have been killed, one by one stood up, their souls by Aide Bo Maken gives life, the face of the stubborn resistance of the soul, The chalcone forced to abandon the city. Since then, these souls soldiers guarding the ruins of Ascalon City, and in the eastern border. Chalcone they still resist, but does not communicate with Ebony Huo Keli alive soldiers, their soul is only a short-term memory, some people think that, when the true King of Ascalon with two Long Kiss Maken return these souls will abandon the city, to return to a peaceful death ...

When the sacred lion arches into the raging sea, Coretta last human habitat, is the last hope. Kryta is surrounded by other races for centuries, suffered a huge disaster, has been away from the human gods, their civilization at the edge of collapse.  buy or sell Guild Wars 2 gold

Again trust the gods and Kryta nobility, Queen Salma consolidate her rights in Kryta. From the outset, they would be happy to accept refugees from Ascalon, Cantha and Ilona people, join them, and transferred to the coast of the city of God, in this new city, a huge monument, it Looking to the rising flood and the southern Gulf ...

Queen established a new management system, not only apply to Kryta people, but each came to the people of the city. Senate formulated laws will be submitted to the Queen, and then the queen authorized to announce these bills. The Senate people from all of the human race, they represent many people, they work in accordance with the wishes of the Queen. Gradually, it developed into a solid system, cornerstone of a Kryta culture. However Kryta also suffer attack secret to organize a white cloak Association, there are Centaurs, they occupy almost the entire continent, human if you want to survive in Kryta, then they must themselves constantly battle ...
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Character Personalization

     Those of you who have suffered through our eternal Facebook and forum teasers already suspect that we have been working on a new option for personalizing a character’s face and hairstyle. The news is out, and this devblog will fill in the missing details!  (1)

    With update 2.9, players will have several new options of character personalization at their disposal. More faces for more personal expression and more originality!  acheté des kamas

    To be very precise, we have 4 new faces per class and per gender, each with two versions (a “kind” one and a “badass” one). This brings the total number of different faces for DOFUS characters to 240 (compared to 30 today).

    Although it’s not possible to modify the eyes, the mouth, the haircut or the size of the eyebrows independently (for inevitable technical reasons), Rumo, the artist behind all these new faces, made sure that each one of them was unique. He thoroughly bones up his hairdressing books, make-up guides, and peered into his colleagues’ looks to bring you a wide range of styles!  

    Without further delay, we present to you, some new DOFUS character faces:(2)


    These new faces will be available in the character creation interface as soon as the 2.9 version is implemented.  acheter des kamas sur dofus

    But now, you’re wondering… “But, are you kidding? You've totally left aside existing characters. We have to use the same old boring faces we've had for years and years?”

    Well no, of course we didn't forget you. How could we? A new Face Personalization Ogrine service is about to be released. For 700 Ogrines (same price as the  colour change service), you’ll have the possibility to change the face of your character whenever you want!

   And this is when you argue… “I can’t believe it! Again you guys are making us drool over the coolest features, but we can’t use it without feeding Ankama's enteral lust for money by buying Ogrines?!”

   Well no, you won’t be forced to use your Ogrines to enjoy new faces. We’re going to trigger an automatic free face change for all DOFUS accounts and characters after the 2.9 update is released. The first time you connect a character after the update, you’ll be escorted to the new personalization interface and you’ll have the choice to either keep your current face or use one of the new ones.    audiotel kamas

   After making this first free face choice however, all future modifications will have to be made using the Ogrine service, so choose your free style very carefully!(3)

    Will we be able to test this during the Beta ?

    Yes, of course, you will be able to discover all this very, very, very soon on the test server. With access to the beta, in addition to the gallery that we have given you above, you will be able to test your new mug with your colours, and make sure you’re happy with it before making your final choice on the live server.

   However, the Character Personalization feature will not be available during the first week of the Beta test, you will need to wait for a patch the following week. A few of the classes won’t be ready the day that the Beta server opens, and our art team friends want to refine this all the way!(4)

   Do you have something to add ?

   Beyond the additional choices of customization of your character, this head’s overhaul paves the way for another revolution! For many moons now collector of all kinds of hats have noticed that there are some display problems with hats on certain characters. Sometimes you’ll see a fringe of hair poking out, or a there’s a hood that’s misaligned to the character’s face… In other word, graphic issue that destroy your dashing look!

   The root of this issue was that we had to place those hats on a unique skeleton common to all classes, which meant that some hats were unable to be perfectly aligned to every character.

   With this overhaul, we've spoiled ourselves by instituting a case-by-case system, with the possibly to shift the hat position on a specific class without any side effects for the others. We can thus be rightfully joyful at the idea of every classes being as dashing as their counterpart with any hats, be they old or new! As an aside, if you notice that a hat is misplaced on your character head after the update, do not hesitate to report it on the forum, after 2.9 is released, this can easily be corrected.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Editorial: How Diablo 3′s endgame has failed


    Diablo 3 is a conflicted beast, like a zebra that thinks it’s a unicorn. I love it. I hate it. I've been playing it a lot recently to try and find out why. Is it an action RPG, is it an MMO? What does this stripy horned horse want to be?

     It’s an action RPG, of course. One burdened with the inconveniences of an MMO and blessed with few of the advantages. It requires a permanent internet connection to play, public matchmaking and an auction house that lets the whole world share their wares. In spite of all that, there’s no wider society to Diablo 3. Each session is an insular carnival of violence. There are no guilds. There is no sense of community beyond the cold “buyout” button on the auction house.

    I’m okay with that. I don’t need that social hit from Diablo 3. At heart it’s a very excellent game about hitting things in strange and spectacular ways. Sometimes with a few friends. For sixty levels and three difficulty tiers it delivered, but suddenly its character changed entirely. After a rush of new skills, more powerful enemies and ever more devious randomly generated boss mobs I hit a wall. Progress became difficult and tedious and those long-promised legendary weapons moved further and further out of reach. I felt like Charlie Brown taking a swipe at Lucy’s football, only in this strip she didn't just pick the ball up and laugh in my face, she moved it to the top of a mountain and shouted “come and get it!”

And like a fool, I tried.(2)

I wrote in the last issue of PC Gamer UK about my battle with Diablo 3′s repair costs, which were hiked massively after launch. Chris and I broke our equipment in the middle of a co-op session on Inferno and didn't have the cash to repair it. We could run the final level on a lower difficulty to grind gold, a boring prospect given our characters’ strength, or buy gold with pounds on the real money auction house. It’s the sort of choice I’d expect to face in a bad free to play game, but here it was waiting at the end of Diablo.

Chris has barely played since then. I took the Charlie Brown option. I put ten quid into the real money auction house and bought 100,000 gold (about three repairs at Inferno level) for 27p.

27 pennies. Hardly devastating, I know. I didn't weep over the Mars Bar I could bought with that money, and it got me back into the game. The feeling you get when you put down money for a microtransaction is important, however. It shouldn't make you feel as though you've been duped by an arbitrary number system. It shouldn't leave you on your back on the football field, staring up at a ball that, you’re starting to suspect, is completely unreachable.  dofus item

The auction house is all-consuming at high levels in Diablo 3. Drop rates have been modified upwards extensively since launch and the Paragon levels added in a recent patch lets players increase drop rates by 3% with every ding. Nonetheless, I can’t remember the last time a usable item dropped for my level 60 Barbarian. The odds that I’ll discover anything that I can directly equip seem absurdly small. At Inferno level, gear is everything. You’re as tough as the armour you’re wearing. To get precisely what you’ll need, the auction house is the only viable option.(3)

Diablo 3 has become a game about gold. Its endgame, with the auction house at its heart, is about slow, incremental progression, cash runs and repeated boss raids. It relies on grind-heavy objectives that feel very different to the rush of new skills I enjoyed on the journey to level 60.

An action RPG has a natural shelf life. Some will get everything they want from a single play through, others when they hit sixty, and others when they have the finest loot and have beaten the toughest enemies. For the latter group, the endgame feels like a Skinner box tailored for those with a completionist spirit, designed to postpone that point of disengagement indefinitely.

Keeping players playing is an increasingly important concern for publishers. The time and finance needed to produce a big budget release demands a bigger return than good week-one sales. We’re seeing more systems designed to grow a game’s lifespan and, with the help of microtrans actions, its long term moneymaking potential.

Keeping players engaged isn't a bad thing in itself, of course, but it’s interesting to keep track of the increasingly diverse mechanisms that studios are using to keep us hooked. The Diablo 3 auction house/endgame package is a troublesome case, but Mass Effect 3′s multiplayer mode does it right. It exists in its own bubble, with only vague narrative ties to the single player campaign. It’s updated regularly with new maps, weapons and character classes, and its box lottery system makes money from players without dividing them between map packs and expansions.

Blizzard take a cut of transactions completed on the real money auction house, of course, but it’s more than a money grabbing exercise. Publishers are increasingly keen to bind their games into unifying systems like, in which items and money earned in one game can be spent on another. Money earned selling items in Diablo 3′s auction house can be used to buy World of Warcraft game time with a few clicks via the balance system. World of Tanks, World of Warplanes and World of Warships will share a single currency. Rockstar have relaunched Social Club, Nadeo have Maniaplanet, and Medal of Honor: War fighter has merged with Battlefield 3 on EA’s Battlelog system recently.(4)

More than ever, Publishers want us investing time and money into contained ecosystems that bounce us from one game in their catalogue to another. These efforts are easily ignored, for the most part, but in Diablo 3′s case the system designed to extend the game and make extra money from players changes Diablo 3′s very nature. It stops being a game about smacking demons, and turns into a game about shopping.

In the run up to Diablo 3′s launch, Blizzard painstakingly detailed their thinking behind the late alterations they were making to Diablo 3, providing a fascinating insight into the design process. They tore up many of the accepted action RPG elements that Diablo invented. Teleportation scrolls were deemed extraneous, so they went. Unnecessary stats were thrown out, skills were altered or dropped entirely to ensure that every ability had a purpose. NPCs were culled until only the Blacksmith and the Jeweller remained. The end result was finely pruned, impactful and addictive, supported by a levelling system that favoured experimentation over the incremental stat progression and sparse ability options offered by traditional skill tree set-ups.

And yet, this carefully honed and, in many ways, brilliant action RPG finds itself swamped by a bloated final quarter. The climactic rewards of an action RPG – the best loot and the toughest bosses – are hidden behind layers and layers of plodding gold-gathering, Paragon levelling and bargain hunting. The systems designed to fuel ongoing auction house trade and develop a cross-game economy have stretched Diablo 3′s longevity beyond its natural breaking point. Blizzard continue to release major updates that may yet turn things around, but for now it looks as though quest to keep players playing forever has backfired.

We haven’t seen the last of the auction house. I think we’ll see similar ideas popping up in future releases. A full price game supported by ongoing microtrans actions will seem increasingly ordinary as time passes and major studios start looking harder at the techniques free to play games have used to make a fortune over the last few years. Guild Wars 2, Mass Effect 3, Assassin’s Creed 3 and Diablo 3 are a few of this year’s big examples. What will be next?  gw2 gold buy or sell Guild